Situating tool

Situating tool

Today I am going to teach the concept of constructing a rhombus using GeoGebra.

 A Rhombus is a flat shape with 4 equal straight sides.

Characteristics of rhombus

  • All sides have equal length
  • opposite sides are parallel and opposite angles are equal
  • The altitude is the distance at right angles to two sides.

Steps to create a rhombus using GeoGebra
1.   click on Geogebra icon to start the process

2. Draw two points A and B using the New Point tool

3. Draw the line segment AB using the Segment between.

4.  From A draw a circle through B using the Circle with Centre through a Point tool.

5. Choose a point C on the circle.

6. Draw line segment AC.

 7. Draw a circle around C going through point A.

8. Draw a circle around B going through point A.

9.  Label the intersection of circle C and B point D and draw line segment BD and CD.

10. Hide Circle constructions deselecting Show Object.


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